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My medicinal massages deal with the area of pain as a whole. By interacting with the breath of your body through my magnetism, I can heal your ailment by massaging not only the precise location of it, but also the surrounding tissues, to completely relax the tension, aiming for healing at the source. .
During the session you receive a deep massage, as well as muscle mobilization, and you will leave with stretching and light weight training exercises specific to your pain, in order to heal over the long term.
Durée : le massage 40min
les exercices 10min
Qu'est ce que le magnétisme ? :
Le magnétisme est le flux d'énergie se trouvant en chacun de nous. La pratique du magnétisme permet d'interagir avec ce flux, afin de faire circuler l'énergie à l'intérieur de la personne pour la détendre et la soigner plus rapidement.
Do you want to know why you have these pains?
What is this famous reason why you alwaysmal at the same location ? Is there an explanation beyond the simple physical reason?
Book a session of "Local Medicinal Massage" with a "Symbolic Reading". We will take the time to go and see in depth the reasons for your illness (badly said).
Who are these therapeutic massages for?
My deep tissue massages require hard pressure to go deep into the muscle or area being treated, which can be momentarily uncomfortable.
LOCAL massage is aimed at people suffering from muscle or joint tension targeted, there is therefore no point in coming for “relaxing” massage. If you want a more "overall relaxation" approach, the Holistic Massage takes you on a journey through your body while treating it energetically.
Les enfants aussi ont leurs problèmes physiques, parfois difficiles à accepter.
Je suis là pour les écouter, et apaiser leur mal grâce au magnétisme et au toucher médicinal.
Avec douceur et bienveillance, j'enlève les douleurs physiques de votre enfant pour qu'il puisse retrouver toute sa mobilité et jouir de la vie comme il se doit.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 0471/38.40.22, at, or consult the FAQ on the main page of the website.
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