30 min
25 euros50 min
55 euros1 hr
65 euros- From 22.50 euros
- From 22.50 euros
- From 22.50 euros
- From 110 euros
- 60 euros
- 65 euros
- 150 euros
3 hr
235.95 euros
Best Value
Massage médicinal local 3 séances
Valid for 3 months
Massage Médicinal 3x
Best Value
Massage Médicinal Local - 6 séances
Valid for 6 months
Massage Médicinal Local
Best Value
Formule Guérison
Valid for one year
Massage Holistique Entretient - 1h30
Best Value
Séances Découvertes
Pack 3 Séances Découvertes ou Evolution
Valid until canceled
Séance découverte - Magnétisme
Séance découverte - Outils du Chaman
Séance découverte - Communiquer avec les Esprits
What should I expect during a first session?
We start by talking a bit. You tell me your questions, your expectations, and of course, you try to describe to me as precisely as possible the nature of your illness.
Then I will give you some time to undress, and lie down on the table and the treatment can begin.
Are you treating chronic illnesses?
These are the best indicators of what blocks us at the psychosomatic level. It is very important to listen to them gently, and to try to understand why they are there to us.
Should we make an appointment?
It is mandatory to make an appointment to have a session. You can call me at the phone number mentioned several times throughout the site or through my email address.
What age group do you treat?
There is no age limit. I accompany everyone, from birth, until the moment of returning to the Source.
What types of payment are accepted?
I accept payments in cash, Payconiq (mobile application), or in advance via transfer.
Can I take more than one session, a bit like a therapy?
That's the purpose, yes. Several sessions are very often necessary to allow you and your body to heal. We will assess together, at the end of the session, whether or not it is necessary to reschedule an appointment.
Can not find the answer to your question ? Do not hesitate to call me, I will be happy to enlighten you.